
Reddit the lost vikings mains
Reddit the lost vikings mains

reddit the lost vikings mains

That's about the only highlight of this change. I have to note, however, that I'd love to use Thunderstrike (300% damage Thunder Clap damage against an isolated target) with it now. the talent will always be good for Muradin, he just gets to use it way too late. Muradin: An unfortunate level 13 loss for our dwarven friend, the talent now competes with other solid choices that drastically improve his heroic skills.Until you realize that, being a debuff (as opposed to an area-based effect), you can't use it to root something that's already rooted, making it less-than-convenient to use, timing wise. A skill which, you'd think, could do outstanding work with Rewind. Regrowth has a pitiful instant healing effect, and the bulk of its power comes from the healing over time effect, so resetting that is rather bad as well. Moonfire already has a 3 seconds cooldown, so its damage and utility are tuned around that - it's not worth resetting. Rewind has just always been awful for him. Bolt of the Storm on an escape-less hero and the potential to be using your heroic skill twice (or more, given lucky Triple Taps!) just can't be denied. However, now that the talent competes with Nova's extremely good level 20 talent choices, I have my doubts as to whether we'll see her pick that up. What hurts more than one Snipe? Two of them.

reddit the lost vikings mains

However, I can't really see that compete with an extra ~1500 health from Army of the Dead, the ridiculously good team-wide freeze from Sindragosa, or the so-darn-reliable new Hardened Shield.

  • Arthas: Doesn't do anything for Frozen Tempest (toggled skills can't be reset), but the prospect of rooting a target for 3 seconds or healing twice with Death Coil is at least mildly interesting.
  • reddit the lost vikings mains

    I'd rate it over the new Hardened Shield because all of Anub'arak's skills directly or indirectly provide survivability (and more!), and for your team as well. What's not to love? We know the talent was a strong pick on our Crypt Lord friend, and it will remain as such. Anub'arak: More crowd control, more mobility, more shields.Let's talk about how the talent might impact everyone: Arthas Murky, Tassadar, Rehgar and Zeratul (!) are the boys who will get to experiment with it because they've never had access to it. Brightwing, Malfurion, Muradin and Tyrande were essentially "nerfed" in that regard, simply due to the fact that they don't get to pick it up as early, if so desired. Nova and Anub'arak lost the choice for evident reasons, and now, they have it back - it just competes with other level 20 choices. The talent bred some notorious hate for anything that had skill-based burst damage (Nova) and crowd control machines (Anub'arak, Brightwing, Muradin). I suppose it just wouldn't really make any sense.Īnub'arak, Arthas, Brightwing, Nova, Malfurion, Muradin, Murky, Tassadar, Tyrande, Rehgar, Zeratul Imagine defending a Fort all game (because that's what the game promotes!), and then somehow losing from behind it. I think it was mostly just to make things a bit less confusing/frustrating for newer players. I could still see Cursed Hollow or Garden of Terror games ending through this method given exceptional team fights. Some team comps were built entirely around this, with map-wide movement skill for surprise kills, however, those were killed off two patches ago with the Core buffs. However, this isn't to say that I've never seen it happen. I frankly haven't seen a tournament in the game's recent history (read: the last 6 months) in which a round was ended through a straight Keep > Core kill. Now, the condition is actually three-fold: A destroyed Fort, a destroyed Keep. The Core is now invulnerable until both the Keep and Fort in a single lane are destroyed.īefore this change, the only condition for the Core's invulnerability effect to go away was to destroy a Keep.

    Reddit the lost vikings mains