
Nmap stunnel
Nmap stunnel

nmap stunnel

In a separate window or in a tmux/screen session, run the command: Now we need to run a Python HTTP server to test whether HTTP connections are being correctly forwarded. Kill exiting instances of stunnel, then run it: Server Stunnel Config File output = /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.logĬert = /etc/stunnel/ This will be a simple Python HTTP server listening on port 9998. The traffic is forwarded on the remote server to an HTTP server that is listening.

nmap stunnel nmap stunnel

The communications channel is duplex, so stunnel client and server can both send and receive information. The stunnel server will receive encrypted SSL traffic on port 8000. Stop any running instances of stunnel, then start stunnel: We want to configure stunnel to listen for traffic on port 9999, and make connections with another stunnel instance on port 8000.Ĭlient Stunnel Config File output = /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.logĬert = /usr/local/etc/stunnel/ On the client machine, we will forward local traffic from port 9999 to port 8000, where stunnel will receive the traffic and encrypt it before sending it to the stunnel server. It will decrypt the traffic and forward the traffic on to a local HTTP server running on port 9998: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9998 Client Setup Client Port Configuration The server will receive traffic on port 8000. It also includes the Zenmap graphical frontend.


We will forward that traffic on to the remote stunnel server listening on port 8000. The Nmap executable Windows installer can handle Npcap installation, registry performance tweaks, and decompressing the executables and data files into your preferred location. On the client, traffic from port 9999 (http, from the browser) will be forwarded to port 8000 (stunnel). In particular, we want to have HTTP traffic on the stunnel client on port 9999 (e.g., the browser opening localhost:9999) pass through the encrypted tunnel and be forwarded to an HTTP server listening on the stunnel server machine.


The final step is installing the Squid proxy on your Kali Linux Raspberry Pi by issuing the apt-get install squid3 –y command.Our goal here is to have traffic between a client and a server pass through an encrypted tunnel, with each service happening on different ports. The next step is to restart the stunnel services by issuing the following command: Sudo nano /usr/local/bin/firewall.sh Iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –dport 993 –j ACCEPT Then, add a firewall setting on the Raspberry Pi by creating the firewall.sh file using the following commands: Sudo nano /etc/stunnel/nf sslVersion = all options = NO_SSLv2 cert = /etc/stunnel/server.pem pid = /var/run/stunnel.pid output = /var/log/stunnel client = no accept = 993 connect = 34567 Change enable = to enable = Next, open a file called nf and add the following configuration to the file: Once installed, you need to configure stunnel using the sudo nano /etc/default/stunnel4 command. Next, you need to generate your private key using the following commands:Ĭd /etc/stunnel/ openssl genrsa -out key.pem 2048 openssl req -new -x509 -key key.pem -out cert.pem -days 1095 cat key.pem cert.pem > /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem sudo bash cat server.key > server.pem & cat server.crt > server.pem chmod 400 /etc/stunnel/server.pem The following screenshot shows the configurations in the nf file: Note that you can change the ports to something that better suits you:Ĭlient = no accept = 8888 connect = cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem The following will be configured and entered into the nf file. You can use your favorite text editor such as nano or vi to create the file. You will need to create a file called nf inside the /etc/stunnel/ directory. You may get a message that the latest version of stunnel is already installed.


To use stunnel, you first need to download the code using the apt-get install stunnel4 –y command as shown in the following screenshot: What makes stunnel cool is it adds SSL functionality to commonly used daemons like POP2, POP3, and IMAP servers without any changes in the program's code. This is done by acting like an SSL encryption wrapper between the remote client and server using industry-standard crypto libraries such as OpenSSL. Stunnel creates secure communication between a TCP client and server by hiding inside another SSL envelope. One method to get around this is levering stunnel. Many administrators will have detection technologies such as IDS/IPS to detect and prevent open VPN connections.

Nmap stunnel